
American Legion Post 108, Franklin, NC


Honor Guard Activities

01 July 2021 - The Honor Guard had its weekly breakfast yesterday at the Sunset Restaurant. It gives the team a chance to socialize outside the call of duty. Members pictured from front left and back around are: Dick Sheehan (Honor Guard Captain), Bushy Hartman, Mike Hartman (Post Commander), Bud Haire (Post Chaplain), Tom McCollum (Past Post Commander), and Tom Wanson. Great comradery was had by all.
***Look for the Honor Guard to lead the Franklin Independence Day parade, 3 July, from Town Hall to the gazebo around 6:00PM.***
BTW - The Honor Guard serves ALL veterans, not just members of The American Legion. They could always use some more help. If you'd like to join, leave a message.

03 July 2021 - The Joint Honor Guard from American Legion Macon Post 108 Franklin, NC and Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 7339 led the Franklin Independence Day parade, leading with the Parade Flag detail, composed of (from L to R): Paul Thomas, Dick Sheehan, Mike Hartman, Ron Norton, and Jim Dodd.  They were followed by other Honor Guard members that were available to participate, including: Kenny Carpenter, Jim "Bunny" Carpenter, Bud Haire, Bushy Hartman, Mike Coates, Will Williams.  Below are photos of the Parade Flag detail graciously provided by our very own Legionnaire and Franklin Town Mayor; Bob Scott...Thank you Mayor Bob!


Below is the Honor Guard preparing to post colors (waiting for the parade to conclude) Photo provide by fellow Legionnnaire Honor Guardsperson, Bushy Hartman